"This city is my city. And I love it, yeah I love it"
ini negaraku, dan aku cinta negaraku <3
Nemu lagu yang asik banget, beneran keren, aku nemu di salah satu channel
TV swasta pas kebetulan lagi mindah channel, pertama kali dengerin biasa aja
loh pas aku dengerin sebait lirik selanjutnya langsung aja kehipnotis buat teus
dengerin dan ngga mindah channel. Lagu yang ingetin aku sama negaraku yang
tercinta ini :) negara yang udah aku hirup udaranya sejak aku lahir, negara
yang kuinjak tanahnya saat aku baru bisa belajar berjalan, negara yang airnya
aku minum tiap hari untuk melegakan dahagaku, Indonesiaku.
Aku merinding denger lagu ini, walaupun bukan orang Indonesia
penyanyinya, meskipun bukan Bahasa Indonesia yang dipakainya, tapi setiap bait
lagunya mengingatkanku kepada semua yang ada di Indonesia, mengingatkanku kalau
aku lahir, hidup dan bernafas di Indonesia. Yang membuatku cinta Indonesia.
Lagu ini beneran bikin aku inget sama Indonesiaku. Negaraku tercinta :D
Kalo lagu ini diputer sama baca novel 5cm, ah sumpaaah cocok banget loh :D lagu ini itu bener bener ngingetin aku sama tulisan kecil di noteku pas masa
masa SD ‘seburuk buruknya Indonesia-ku
sekarang, aku tetep cinta Indonesia-ku. Aku bangga jadi anaknya ayah-ibu yang
lahir di Indonesia.’ Lagu ini juga bikin aku inget sama lagu wajib yang
dulu aku suka nyanyiin, judulnya “Desaku yang Ku Cinta” tau dong? Taukan?
Terus lagu ciptaanya Bapak Ismail Marzuki judulnya “Indonesia Pusaka”,
inget banget aku harus nangis pas nyanyi lagu ini di ujian praktek nyanyi kelas
6 SD -_- gara gara ga hafal liriknya :’( malu, nyesel, aku berasa jadi anak
bangsa yang engga berarti meen.
Beneran lagu yang kereeen brooo :D yuk checkitout kenapa lagu ini keren,
kenapa lagu ini harus masuk dalam playlist kalian :D
"This City" – Patrick Stump
This city is my city
And I love it, yeah I love it
I was born and raised here
I got it made here
And if I have my way, I'm gonna stay
From every corner
To every block yeah
And whether it's warm or storming or downright stupid hot, hot
From the problems all the way to the solutions yeah
Forget all the drugs and gangs, corruption and pollution no
Cause this city is my city
And I love it, yeah I love it
I was born and raised here
I got it made here
And if I have my way, I'm gonna stay here
For life, uh huh
For life, uh huh
From every highrise
Down to every slum
From every unethical politician to the wise old beat up bum
My city and I our hearts beat, beat, beat together
When I'm home we both breathe, breathe, breathe together
This place is my home, wherever I go, I, I, I, I take it with me
This city is my city
And I love it, yeah I love it
I was born and raised here
I got it made here
And if I have my way, I'm gonna stay here
For life, uh huh
For life, uh huh
And I love it, yeah I love it
I was born and raised here
I got it made here
And if I have my way, I'm gonna stay
From every corner
To every block yeah
And whether it's warm or storming or downright stupid hot, hot
From the problems all the way to the solutions yeah
Forget all the drugs and gangs, corruption and pollution no
Cause this city is my city
And I love it, yeah I love it
I was born and raised here
I got it made here
And if I have my way, I'm gonna stay here
For life, uh huh
For life, uh huh
From every highrise
Down to every slum
From every unethical politician to the wise old beat up bum
My city and I our hearts beat, beat, beat together
When I'm home we both breathe, breathe, breathe together
This place is my home, wherever I go, I, I, I, I take it with me
This city is my city
And I love it, yeah I love it
I was born and raised here
I got it made here
And if I have my way, I'm gonna stay here
For life, uh huh
For life, uh huh
You can take my picture,
You can take my name,
But you're never gonna take my city away
Cause you can burn it to the ground
Oh or let it flood, but it's in my blood
Cause this city is my city
And I love it, yeah I love it
I was born and raised here
I got it made here
And if I have my way, I'm gonna stay here
For life, uh huh
For life, uh huh
You can take my name,
But you're never gonna take my city away
Cause you can burn it to the ground
Oh or let it flood, but it's in my blood
Cause this city is my city
And I love it, yeah I love it
I was born and raised here
I got it made here
And if I have my way, I'm gonna stay here
For life, uh huh
For life, uh huh
lirik yang bener bener ngunkapin perasaanku sebagai anak Indonesia :
“I was born
and raised here
I got it made here
And if I have my way, I'm gonna stay”
I got it made here
And if I have my way, I'm gonna stay”
Aku lahir dan tumbuh di Indonesiaku,
dan bila ini jalanku aku takkan pernah mau pergi dari Indonesiaku. Aku akan
tetap tinggal disini, karena aku cinta Indonesiaku.
“And whether it's warm or storming or downright stupid
hot, hot
From the problems all the way to the solutions yeah
Forget all the drugs and gangs, corruption and pollution no
Cause this city is my city
And I love it, yeah I love it”
From the problems all the way to the solutions yeah
Forget all the drugs and gangs, corruption and pollution no
Cause this city is my city
And I love it, yeah I love it”
Aku cinta Indonesiaku seburuk apapun
Indonesiaku, meskipun berbadai, banyak masalah, banyak korupsi, polusi, tapi
ini Indonesiaku. Dan mimpiku, aku akan merubahnya, dengan caraku :’) aku ingin
Indonesia lebih baik, aku CINTA Indonesia.
“From every
Down to every slum
From every unethical politician to the wise old beat up bum
My city and I our hearts beat, beat, beat together
When I'm home we both breathe, breathe, breathe together
This place is my home, wherever I go, I, I, I, I take it with me”
Down to every slum
From every unethical politician to the wise old beat up bum
My city and I our hearts beat, beat, beat together
When I'm home we both breathe, breathe, breathe together
This place is my home, wherever I go, I, I, I, I take it with me”
Kau tau, lirik ini benar benar
mengingatkanku dengan lagu “Desaku yang Ku Cinta” tapi yang versi lengkap,
sayang sekali aku lupa liriknya. Lagu masa kecilku, ah aku sedih kalau aku
lupa, sebenarnya :(. Tapi intinya itu sama kayak lirik lagu di atas, kemanapun
aku pergi, Indonesia akan ku bawa, di hatiku. Akan ku tunjukkan pada dunia,
kalau orang Indonesia bangga dan bahagia menjadi bagian dari indahnya negara
Ibu Pertiwi ini :D
“You can
take my picture,
You can take my name,
But you're never gonna take my city away
Cause you can burn it to the ground
Oh or let it flood, but it's in my blood
Cause this city is my city
And I love it, yeah I love it”
You can take my name,
But you're never gonna take my city away
Cause you can burn it to the ground
Oh or let it flood, but it's in my blood
Cause this city is my city
And I love it, yeah I love it”
Inget Sumpah Pemuda dongs? Inget yang pertama kan? Kayak
SATOE, TANAH AIR INDONSIA" nah sama kayak nih lirik
lagu kira kira filosofinya sama, orang lain bisa ambil nama orang Indonesia
dipake di sana sini, boleh ambil foto foto di Indonesia, tapi ngga buat ambil
satu bagianpun dari Indonesia. Sampe Indonesia kelem sama banjir atau harus
jadi lautan api kayak Bandung pun Indonesia ngga akan pernah ilang dari otakku,
dari hatiku, dari hidupku, karena Indonesia udah mengalir di darahku.
Ayoteman temanku, kawanku dari Indonesia, di pucuk merauke sampai ke pucuk Sabang
:) cintai Indonesia, bangga karena lahir dan besar di sini. Harus malu sama Ian
5 cm dongs, dia aja ngga mau pergi ke Manchester karena saking cintanya sama
kamu benci sama korupsi, politik kotor, kejahatan, anarkisme, rasisme yang di Indonesia, sama aku juga benci. Kita benci
semua itu, karena kita CINTA INDONESIA bukan? Buktikan cinta kita, kita harus
maju, dukung pembangunan Indonesia dengan cara kita, cara remaja Indonesia yang
baik. Belajar berbudaya yang baik, maju
secara global tanpa harusmengilangkan jati diri kita sebagai anak bangsa,
perbedaan hanyalah sebuah kata, kita tetap Indonesia.
#akubanggamenjadianakbangsa #merahputih #garudadidadaku :D
good (y)
BalasHapusmakasihhh :D